Download Saleae Driver

  • Windows - Linux - MacOS. Logic 2.3.9 is a bug fix release, that covers several important CPU utilization bugs. Thanks to everyone who reported the problem, sent in captures, and worked with us to help find the root cause.
  • Software isn’t included, instead you get instructions to download the latest version from the Saleae web site. We always download the latest software, so we appreciate that there’s one less CD.
  • Due to saleae software limitations, only sample rates exposed in the Logic software can be used. Use the getallsamplerates method to get all of the valid sample rates. The list of valid sample rates changes based on the number and type of active channels, so set up all channel configuration before attempting to set the sample rate.
  • Laden Sie die weltbeste und beliebteste Logic Analyzer-Software herunter.

Micro-Gripper Hooks, Saleae Carrying Case, USB 3.0 Cable, & the Getting Started Card. Logic Pro 16 includes: Saleae Logic Pro 16 USB Logic Analyzer, 4x 4-Channel Wire Harnesses, 32x Micro-Gripper Hooks, Saleae Carrying Case, USB 3.0 Cable, & the Getting Started Card Purchasing Additional Accessories.

  • Mark
  • on 31-08-2020

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Windows - Linux - MacOS

What's New

  • Warning when a USB host controller driver is out of date and could cause device reliability problems.
  • Analog interactions toolbar to easily navigate the analog data
  • Mouse dragging of analog channels allows X and Y panning simultaneously (once a certain Y threshold is met)
  • New analog keyboard shortcuts - zoom, pan and fit
  • Scroll up and down the channels via space + scroll
  • New preferences menu


  • Improved channels context (right click) menu
  • Unsupported WebGL error handling
  • Show a notification on device disconnection instead of creating a new tab

Bug fixes

  • Missing analog calibration when loading a capture
  • Fixed bug where extensions would not load and updates would not download if the internet connection used a proxy.
  • Fixed bug where application would stop working properly after the system suspended and resumed.
  • Fixed bug when loading extensions from a non-ascii path.

This library implements the control protocol for theSaleae Logic Analyzer. It is based off of thedocumentation and example here:

IMPORTANT: You must enable the ‘Remote Scripting Server’ in Saleae. Clickon “Options” in the top-right, the “Developer” tab, and check “Enable scriptingsocket server”. This should not require a restart.

This library requires Saleae Logic 1.2.x or greater. Unfortunately there is noway to check the version of Logic running using the scripting protocol so thisis difficult to check at runtime.

Currently, this is basically a direct mapping of API calls with some smallsanity checking and conveniences. It has not been extensively tested beyondmy immediate needs, but it also should not have any known problems.

To get a feel for how the library works and what it can do, try the built-in demo:

Issues, updates, pull requests, etc should be directedto github.


The easiest method is to simply use pip:


The Saleae class¶

class saleae.Saleae(host='localhost', port=10429, quiet=False)[source]
exception CommandNAKedError[source]
exception ImpossibleSettings[source]
exception SaleaeError[source]

Start a new capture and immediately return.


Convenience method that blocks until capture is complete.


Stop a capture and return whether any data was captured.

Returns:True if any data collected, False otherwise
export_analyzer(analyzer_index, save_path, wait_for_processing=True, data_response=False)[source]

Export analyzer index N and save to absolute path save_path. The analyzer must be finished processing

export_data2(file_path_on_target_machine, digital_channels=None, analog_channels=None, time_span=None, format='csv', **export_args)[source]
Export command:
EXPORT_DATA2,<filename>,[ALL_CHANNELS|SPECIFIC_CHANNELS, [DIGITAL_ONLY|ANALOG_ONLY|ANALOG_AND_DIGITAL], <channel index> [ANALOG|DIGITAL], …, <channel index> [ANALOG|DIGITAL]],[ALL_TIME|TIME_SPAN, <(double)start>, <(double)end>],[BINARY, <binary settings>|CSV, <csv settings>|VCD|MATLAB, <matlab settings>]

Get the active digital and analog channels.

Returns:A 2-tuple of lists of integers, the active digital and analog channels respectively

Get the current active Saleae device.

Returns:A saleae.ConnectedDevice object for the active Saleae

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Get available sample rate combinations for the current performance level and channel combination.


Return a list of analyzers currently in use, with indexes.

get_bandwidth(sample_rate, device=None, channels=None)[source]

Compute USB bandwidth for a given configuration.

Must supply sample_rate because Saleae API has no get_sample_rate method.

Download Saleae Driver

The number of samples saleae records before the trigger.

Returns:An integer number descripting the pretrigger buffer size

Get a list of attached Saleae devices.

Note, this will never be an empty list. If no actual Saleae devices areconnected, then Logic will return the four fake devices shown in theexample.

Returns:A list of saleae.ConnectedDevice objects

Get a list of available digital I/O voltage thresholds for the device and the currently active selection.

This feature is only supported on the original Logic 16, Logic Pro 8,and Logic Pro 16.


Get performance value. Performance controls USB traffic and quality.

Returns:A saleae.PerformanceOption

check to see if analyzer with index N has finished processing.

static kill_logic(kill_all=False)[source]

Attempts to find and kill running Saleae Logic software

Download Saleae Driver
static launch_logic(timeout=5, quiet=False)[source]

Attempts to open Saleae Logic software


Set all channels to active.

set_active_channels(digital=None, analog=None)[source]

Set the active digital and analog channels.

Note: This feature is only supported on Logic 16, Logic 8(2nd gen),Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 16

  • ImpossibleSettings – if used with a Logic 4 device
  • ImpossibleSettings – if no active channels are given
set_capture_pretrigger_buffer_size(size, round=True)[source]

Set the number of samples saleae records before the trigger.


Set the capture duration to a length of time.

Parameters:seconds – Capture length. Partial seconds (floats) are fine.

Set active digital I/O voltage threshold for the device.

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This feature is only supported on the original Logic 16, Logic Pro 8,and Logic Pro 16.

Parameters:index – digital I/O voltage threshold index from the getter function.
Raises:ImpossibleSettings – raised if out of range index is requested
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Set the capture duration to a specific number of samples.

Parameters:samples – Number of samples to capture, will be coerced to int
From Saleae documentation
Note: USB transfer chunks are about 33ms of data so the number ofsamples you actually get are in steps of 33ms.

Set performance value. Performance controls USB traffic and quality.

Download Saleae Driver Windows 10

Parameters:performance – must be of type saleae.PerformanceOption

Note: This will change the sample rate.

#>>> s.set_performance(saleae.PerformanceOption.Full)


Set the sample rate. Note the caveats. Consider set_sample_rate_by_minimum.

Due to saleae software limitations, only sample rates exposed in theLogic software can be used. Use the get_all_sample_rates method toget all of the valid sample rates. The list of valid sample rateschanges based on the number and type of active channels, so set up allchannel configuration before attempting to set the sample rate.

Parameters:sample_rate_tuple – A sample rate as returned from get_all_sample_rates
set_sample_rate_by_minimum(digital_minimum=0, analog_minimum=0)[source]

Set to a valid sample rate given current configuration and a target.

Because the avaiable sample rates are not known until runtime after allother configuration, this helper method takes a minimum digital and/oranalog sampling rate and will choose the minimum sampling rate availableat runtime. Setting digital or analog to 0 will disable the respectivesampling method.

  • digital_minimum – Minimum digital sampling rate in samples/sec or 0 for don’t care
  • analog_minimum – Minimum analog sampling rate in samples/sec or 0 for don’t care
Returns (digital_rate, analog_rate):

the sample rate that was set


ImpossibleSettings – rasied if sample rate cannot be met

set_trigger_one_channel(digital_channel, trigger)[source]

Convenience method to set one trigger.

  • channel – Integer specifying channel
  • trigger – saleae.Trigger indicating trigger type

ImpossibleSettings – rasied if channel is not active

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Set the trigger conditions for all active digital channels.

Parameters:channels – An array of saleae.Trigger for each channel
Raises:ImpossibleSettings – rasied if configuration is not provided for all channels

Note: Calls to this function must always set all active digitalchannels. The Saleae protocol does not currently expose a method to readcurrent triggers.